Monday, April 7, 2014

The insane Mama - Joys of homeschooling

I think every mother has a breaking point!  Its not only homeschooling moms that lose it. So I am sure I will see a lot of heads nodding. I think for schooling mama's these days comes mainly during the summers vacation. As a homeschooling mom I have these insane days every week. I do not really need to wait for Summer!
My breaking day - I notice - is Wednesday. The yelling and the screaming at the kids. The high decibel talk that only dogs can hear and occasionally --- the crying.
I cannot still understand how a 4 and a 2 year old can individually make me cry.

But these past two weeks have been a little easier. I guess thanks to 'Sonlight curriculum'
Now let me warn you - if you want your child to be ultra smart. This is NOT the curriculum for you.
If you want your child to be a child prodigy - This is NOT the curriculum for you.
If you want your child to enjoy learning - Bulls eye! Come check out the stack of books Sonlight sent me. Almost 90% of them story books for Isaac. 100% story books for Ziva

This past week I decided no matter whether I did the 3/4 year old Curriculum or the 4/5 year old curriculum - both Isaac and Ziva would sit with me. One big screaming and yelling reason is because Isaac gets in my way when I want t read to Ziva and Ziva gets in my way when I read to Isaac. But its stories ... they can both listen.

As a result we read Good night Moon again. A book Isaac has been seeing since he was age - 3 months. But it was like we were reading it for the first time. There were instructions at the back of this book that told us to look for the 'mouse' on each page. All those of you who have this book - do this exercise. The story takes a new level suddenly! And an add on to that was Ziva flipping through the pages on her own and saying -
Wheres the mouse - Isaac/ Appa/Amma?
I guess she is ready to teach someone!

But the important thing was I was not screaming on Wednesday. I did yell a little on Thursday. But it seems I have made it over the Wednesday bump. There were also small activities sprinkled around the curriculum and I love doing things outside the books. So we made pancakes and buckled all the belts we could find and painted the front steps with 'WATER'
(The pancakes were supposed to be pumpkin flavor in accordance with 'Peter Peter Pumkin eater'. The belts were in accordance to 'One two Buckle my shoe ')

Schooling at home is finally looking like fun for mama!

Tower of Babel - Ziva's world

So Ziva is flipping through a bible story book and she crosses the 'Tower of Babel' story. The picture shows a man pointing at the tower and looking angrily at another Man.

Ziva: Uncle is upset

I think I have been using the word upset a lot when I tell her I do not like something she has done!!!