Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blood on the road! Quotes from Isaacland

Isaac loves maps. Isaac loves mazes. He loves tracing his hand up and down and round to get from one point to the other. He loves maps like the ones you find in Winnie the pooh that shows the details of the 'Hundred Acre woods'
And then recently Isaac got his little eyes into Google maps... Aaah what excitement.
So one evening we are traveling in the car and keep getting stuck traffic. After a 1/2 hr of frustration I pulled out my phone to check how 'bad' the traffic was as our journey continued. The map came up and as usual the whole of Bangalore looked like a jam at 7 pm. Isaac peers over my shoulders and his jaw drops
Isaac: Amma there is blood on the road!

Google maps you may need to change your color code to save the innocence of my 5 year old!

1 comment:

  1. Love how their view of things makes all things different - and makes you view the world differently too!
