Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Get off the road!

We have a 1 km ride from our gate to the main road.
Main road= a road that has a divider
Divider = something that sometimes keeps oncoming traffic from ramming into you! Sometimes being the key word here.

This 1 Km road does not have a divider but technically can accomodate two vehicles - one going up and one coming down! Well two small cars - like our Maruti Esteem and another Esteem. Or even our Eritga and an Esteem

If two big cars are coming - say a Bolero and a Scorpio or a Safari and a XUV, then both cars will have to get one wheel off the road.
Off the road = a bumpy, pot hole filled mud path

Well technically both cars should get one wheel off the road. But as it goes - survival of the fittest or rather survival of the biggest in this case. So there are two reasons why another vehicle will push you off the road
1. If its a really huge vehicle like a truck
2. If the driver in the other car realizes that there is a lady driving this car and gets the kicks to see the fear in your eyes -- fear of having your rear view mirror knocked!

Whenever I am driving and Suresh is on the passenger seat he keeps yelling  -- telling me not to get off the road when I see rouges coming ramming into me. My reasoning for taking the safe way is I dont want scratches on the car!

But pride gets the better of me most times and I hate being driven off the road!  So I learnt a new trick. If you see a truck coming from the opposite side of road, pull your car to a complete halt ! Stop! And wait. The driver in the other car (obviously a jobless nut! --- well most of the time) will honk and pretend he is in a hurry and try to force you off the road. Well he cant. Since you have come to a complete stop he will be HAVE to get off the road. He will honk madly and glare at you. Smile peaceful and enjoy the few moments of being on the road!

Oh yea! Well all's not well since if I end on this note .... well it would just be a terrible example to set now - wouldn't it! So listen to this next small bit as I close with a Proverb at the end.

Tuesday morning I had driven to pick up a few things and on my return trip I was on the 1 km road with a truck on the opposite side. I played my part carefully. Halted and smiled spitefully as the owner of the oncoming vehicle glared at me. I was so happy I had won the game!

A few meters further ... my pride took a deep hit! A herd of buffaloes! I honk ... they do not budge. I inch slowly towards them hoping to scare them ... they continue to ruminate their juicy grass. Finally one of them bent her horns at the car and I quickly drove the car off the road  and glared at her as I drove past!

Leaving you with two biblical verse

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

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