Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Its too hot! Quotes from Isaacland

So turns out Isaac does not like his food hot. Room temperature is perfect! (I just need to ask sparkling or still and we will turn our house into the Marriott!)
We get into a lot of war about hot food. For instance the other day I made some Dosa and did not wait till the temperature was just right for 'LAAT' saab.
Isaac: ' Amma the dosa is so hot! Why do you cook the dosa?'

The icing on the cake was when I went on a baking spree during Christmas and baked a bunch of cupcakes. Isaac has no trouble when you say 'No' to him. Its when you say 'WAIT' that he cannot handle himself.
So he woke up from his nap smelling the cupcakes and came down to find them steaming hot near the oven. With his palms facing me he starts

Isaac: 'Amma I know you like baking ... but please dont put my cupcake in the oven!'


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