Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The head tilt

I am standing besides the organic avacodos in Safeway (Suresh has gone into this organic freak show - I guess until they discovers bugs or not enough bugs in organic food - we  will be feeding Isaac and ourselves as much organic stuff as we can) when I hear ' She's so cute' and of course the first thing in my mind is -Is this person talking about me ;)?. I look up and see a lady looking at my 1 year old 'SON'. My first instinct is to smack her for calling 'him' a 'her'. Then I look at Isaac and he has this big broad priceless grin on his face and he is doing the head tilt - You know you tilt your head forward like you are shy and smile :). The smacking instinct is gone and I look back at this lady and she is doing the 'head tilt' back at him --
'Aww - How old is she?'.
I respond 'He is a year old'.
'Oh I'm sorry - I thought it was a girl - such pretty eyes - The boys get the eyelashes!'
I look back at Isaac and his head tilt has caused his head to touch the railing of the shopping cart - still smiling.
A few more head tilts later we are home and as I walk in Suresh is sitting busy working at his computer (numerous brain MRI images in front of him). I ask him ' Is my baby the cutiest or what?' He looks up and does the 'head tilt' - This time meaning 'Silly Girl'. I know though he is thinking - My boy is the cutiest and friendliest  and anything else you can add 'est' to.

All you mommys out there - bet you know about the head tilt! :)

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