Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Completely Inappropriate!

I had a letter to post the other day. I decided to take Isaac along with me since its much easier to take care of one kid at one time. Ziva gets left behind a lot nowadays and I can see that she is going to begin protesting.
We made our way to the post office and I set Isaac down. He immediately got uncomfortable with all the strangers around. He kept insisting on being picked up. So I handed him a piece of paper and some crayons. It seems like the best entertainment for Isaac these days is scribbling. He does a pretty decent 'A' and plenty of circles in the midst of scribbling.
He gladly took the paper and moved to a nearby chair and went at it while I joined the line to pay for stamp. As I was watching him, one of the postmen, a slightly older gentleman, came over and was helping an old lady put her thumb impression on some pieces of paper. He looked over at Isaac and watched him writing. He grinned, shook his head and then patted Isaac on his butt!
How inappropriate! Had I been in the US, that would have been my thought. But being here in India and watching a man help an old lady put a thumb impression and then watching a little 2 year old passionately scribble ... very different sentiments!
Isaac was completely stunned!

PS: In India people dont ask before they pinch your kids cheeks or carry them ... doesnt mean there are no bad people. Just that people show affection to kiddos a little more easily!

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