Friday, October 26, 2012

I saw a snake!

So Whitefield is apparently known for lots and lots of snakes. Rat snakes, cobras and other such breeds. There are big ones and babies.
In my one year here at Ardendale I have now seen two snakes in very close proximity. This is more than I have seen in my entire life in the wild ... i.e not the Zoo where they sit around rather stagnant.

The ones I saw were slithering hissing ones. I have heard of about 4 or 5 snakes that were either lying outside my house or within the gated community.

Statement: I do not like snakes.... they give me the ssssshiiivers
The first time I saw one outside the house I had nightmares for a couple of days! When I see Ziva running in the direction of where the snake was sitting, I have palpitations. Isaac is a little sensible and knows to stay away from the unknown. Ziva however has not FEAR!
The latest snake I saw slithering was right outside our community gate. We were driving in the car and Suresh hit the brakes and said... 'look at the snake' and we saw this long slithering thing cross the road like it was the Zebra crossing for snakes. I lifted my legs even though I was in the car and shivered. Suresh rolled his eyes!  Isaac was all excited and talked about it for a long time.

I usually ride my bicycle along the very road that we saw this snake on. After this last visual of the snake I am suddenly very aware of the lack of protection while riding my bicycle. On voicing my fear to Suresh, he yet again rolled his eyes!

I guess we all have our pet-peeves ... Suresh's is the consistency of peas ... mine are snakes!

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